Subscription-Renewal-Key for NCP Exclusive Entry Clients

The NCP Exclusive Entry Client is now Juniper Secure Connect (as of 01/01/2022).

NCP will continue to provide support & updates to the NCP Exclusive Entry Client until December 31, 2024 (END-OF-LIFE).

Customers who would like to purchase Juniper Secure Connect should contact their Juniper sales partner.

On this page you can renew your subscription for the NCP Exclusive Entry Client with the Subscription Renewal Key you have purchased. If you do not yet have a Subscription Renewal Key, please contact your reseller:

  1. Enter the serial number of your NCP Exclusive Entry Client, the Subscription Key and the Subscription Renewal Key in the appropriate fields (see input field below). You will find the serial number and the subscription key in your license details. Click submit to verify the key.
  2. Now activate the client online via the "Help" / "Activation ..." menu item in the client and follow the further instructions.
  3. You have now successfully renewed your subscription.
Where can I find my License Information?

Renewal for multiple clients

You can renew several NCP Exlusive Entry Client serial numbers at the same time. For this purpose, please create a text file as described in the example at the end of the page and upload it to the renewal server using the form on this page. Please note that the file format must be strictly adhered to (please do not insert any spaces before or after the comma) or the renewal fails. If this happens, you will not receive an error message.

Example Update-File

Additional information:

Current versions

Fee required updates